Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Book Review for 8.1.24: Suspected Ingredient

Title: Suspected Ingredient 

Author: Stella Dorn

Date: 2023

Quote: "You poisoned my husband!"

It's the worst nightmare of everyone who's dreamed of starting a nice little bakery, or cafe, or bar...the man was old enough that the police didn't seem to think his death needed investigation, but his widow knows he had some sort of food poisoning., After eating one of Sienna Monroe's most popular baked treats, the chocolate croissant. 

Sienna, also a widow, calmly hears the accuser out and calls for an investigation. And, yes, the man was poisoned. Someone put cyanide in her croissant. The only way she can defend her honor is to find out who it was.

This is one cozy mystery that I think is worth reading by serious people who want to prepare for situations that could arise in real life, not only people (like my late husband) who enjoy solving a little puzzle before bed. What happens to Sienna never happens to most people who start their own restaurants, but it's worth "wargaming" and thinking about how one would cope. I'm not sure I believe Sienna's conciliation skills; I do admire them. 

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