Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Links to Funny Animal Videos

This week's Long & Short Reviews question asked reviewers to link to funny animal videos.

Although this web site never overburdens older browsers by posting videos, it does follow a few sites that specialize in cute, funny, fluffy things for the refreshment of the activist soul. Descriptions are provided for those who can't just click on the links and see what I'm talking about.  

Let's start with a video that was linked here in 2015. At first you may wonder what's funny about a dog bumping into things while carrying a box in front of his face. Then the light dawns. Although the dog's humans keep telling him he's "such a dummy," this dog knows exactly what he's doing. He's crash-testing a box. He's using his peripheral vision to ram the box into things without bumping his head. The joke's on the humans. They have made more than one video of this dog repeating this behavior. 

Then there's the whole "Stern Du Tube" series. These are compilations of short video clips, not all featuring animals and not all funny, but usually an animal doing something funny is in each one somewhere. The editors also like straight nature videos, especially of sea creatures swimming underwater, and sequences where humans fall down. Here's the latest episode, for those who've not seen it yet. There's a dog who's supposedly being taught to ask for an old shoe as a toy, who just knocks the man over and takes the shoe, but the sequence where I started laughing out loud is the remodelling job that is sooo not going to pass inspection. 

Actually, if you watch only the short opening sequence with the big fluffy dog, who does not look like Huckleberry Hound to me, even this Paulides video is sort of funny. For those who 've not watched them yet, Dave Paulides' videos are not funny. They tend to feature unsolved mysteries in which missing persons turn out to have been kidnapped or murdered. However, the sequence where he's trying to flatter the dog into sitting still on the set, talking about what a cool, quiet dog she is, and the dog starts barking...It's funnier if you've already seen a dozen or so of these videos where the dog does sit calmly and stoically on the set.

Dogs! Always dogs! What about the chickens? In this compilation, with the help of a pre-programmed electronic keyboard that uses a red light to show the hen which keys to peck, a hen finally learns to play a tune. 

Finally, there's the "Cat Jams" music videos. For those who've not discovered "The Kiffness," he's a musician who takes recordings of almost anything, including animal noises, and composes music around them. Is a theme emerging here? Yes, I do like funny animal videos where the joke's on the humans.


  1. Great videos! Dog's are nobody's fool 🤣

    1. No indeed...that bulldog seems to like giving his tough neck muscles a workout.


  2. There are a dangerous many funny-dog videos on Instagram. I saw one where a man was trying to see if his dog would eat from his plate while he was "asleep", but the dog was not fooled for a minute.

    Fun chicken video!

    1. Our pets know when we're awake! My cats might try to get away with things when they think I'm distracted...


  3. That chicken compilation video was great. You don’t see a lot of those floating around online.

    My brother had pet chickens and ducks for several years. They’re such interesting birds.

    Some of them would happily peck around in the garden for hours and scold you if you tried to shoo them back into their hen house. :D

    1. They know their rights! And someone needs to be at home with them, outdoors with them, whenever the sun is shining.


  4. Loved these videos! The cats are my favorite, but I'm biased. :D

    My post

    1. I like cats too. Thank you for visiting.


  5. I like the funny YT videos of birds with arms. Its arms animated on to birds doing funny things.

    1. And thank you for visiting, too...I like your posts but they're set up in a way that blocks my comments. Web sites' way of whining for extra cookies, not your or any other blogger's fault.
