Tuesday, August 27, 2024

So Now the Cats Who Get Along Well with Dogs

 Last week we looked at dogs who get along well with cats. Turn about is fair play so this week we consider Petfinder's most appealing photos of cats who get along well with dogs.

There's a pretty good selection, up to and including some fancy breed looks. I have been reminded of my partiality, recently, so in honor of reader's cats Willie and Suzie, here are classic mackerel tabbies and torbies. 

Zipcode 10101: Pepper from NYC

He was found on a construction site. In the interests of safety he was brought indoors and encouraged to join a family of domestic pets. His best pal, Socks, is another spring kitten with whom he can have a good fast game, but he get along well with other cats, dogs, and even small children. For a tomkitten he's even said to be "caring." Since they'll be neutered early he will probably want to be adopted together with Socks, who is smaller, a classic "tuxedo" cat with black coat, white bib, and white socks.

Zipcode 20202: Zane from DC 

The adoption fee for Zane and his sister Zena, who also has gray tabby fur above and white below, is on the steep side but it is going toward the cost of keeping them in a foster home rather than a terrible, traumatic shelter. They're part of a family and are cool around dogs and babies. 

Zipcode 30303: Tiger from Atlanta 

Her web page: 

If you're going to adopt kittens, "Take two, they're small." Adult cats may not mind being alone with a human, but kittens, no matter how close to you they become, want someone who can play their kind of games with them. Tiger has a sister, Bunny, who would like to share her Purrever Home. They're in a foster home and do well with other cats and dogs.

Bonus for Local Lurkers: Nala from Kingsport 

There's no way I could mistake this calico waif for Serena or Irene. For one thing Serena is, and Irene was, large and broad-framed; Nala is on the small and thin side. For another thing, although Irene was a gentle, motherly peacemaker and Serena was born to command, neither of them would ever have been described as shy; Nala is described as shy. That, and, oh, well, the coat pattern, and oh, just everything you notice when you live with a calico cat. To other people they may all look alike but to you, the human owned by one of them, they're all as different as A from B. 

Anyway, when I go on Petfinder, if there are getting to be a lot of animals in local shelters the system is programmed to be downright pushy about showing me pictures of local animals before it pulls up pictures from places where more readers are likely to be. Today the system wanted me to see this calico cat in the Kingsporkt shelter. There's not much of a story about hr and she may have been stolen. She is said to be cool about other cats and dogs, as about new people slow to bond but not prejudiced. \

Somebody Out There is probably missing this calico cat, and it just may be that Nala's noncommittal about new people because she's missing her own rightful human family, too. So, please share these photos everywhere. Help picture all of these cats, especially our homegirl Nala, home.

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