Thursday, August 8, 2024

Book Review for 7.22.24: Bone Picker's Diary

Title: Bone Picker's Diary 

Author: Stephanie Tyo

Date: 2023

Quote: "It was a routine he had come to cherish, spending hours alone in his room, immersed in the pages of ancient tales and forgotten lore."

It is a routine we need to discourage, trying to "write" by feeding the outline of a book to ChatGPT. ChatGPT produces wordy, stuffy, cliche-ridden, but usually grammatically impeccable prose (or "poems" worse than McGonagall's worst). It may be acceptable for stuffy corporate office meetings, but it is not acceptable for literary creations. It is automated, collective plagiarism. This purports to be a book for children. Don't buy it for them.

Even if the author had rewritten every word and eliminated the cliches, all this mini-book would be is a trailer for a series. So, my two thumbs down, and if the cats were in the office I'm sure they'd turn their thumb-toes down too.  Nobody should ever pay for a "book" that reads like ChatGPT. 

"But Pri-i-is," someone says, "I thought our goal was to encourage writers." Writers, yes; I said nothing about chatbots. Stephanie Tyo is hereby encouraged not to try this again. Simply take the outline you were about to feed to ChatGPT, turn off ChatGPT, and apply the seat of the writer to the seat of the desk until the outline is fleshed out in words. If you don't have time to do this, your vocation may be to continue storing up life experience now and write your books after the children are grown and gone and they want to cut back your billable hours at work.

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