Oh, and those who are at all interested in the Tea Party movement should read what Jennifer Burke has to say, too...
"Dear Patriot,
Tonight on Hannity, our Chief Strategist Niger Innis made me extremely proud as he demonstrated the stark contrast between liberalism and conservatism. He was paired on Hannity’s show on FOX News alongside Civil Rights Attorney and radio show host Leo Terrell to discuss The Double Standard applied by the media to those on the left vs. those on the right.
After giving a bit of background on the liberal contrived ‘controversy’ regarding Dr. Ben Carson’s recent statement on marriage, Sean Hannity stated, “If you are an African-American and you are conservative, you are vilified. You are demonized and you are called names. You are attacked.” Help us ward off attacks such as these HERE.
The exchange that ensued between Niger and Leo Terrell was a classic demonstration of conservatism vs. liberalism with Niger being a voice of fact based reasoning in a calm and collected manner, while his liberal counterpart Terrell presented himself as a raging lunatic whose argument was rooted in emotion based yelling and avoidance of topics he didn’t want to address. Watch the video below from the site Mediaite.com. You will be astounded. In the end, far leftist Leo Terrell demonstrates that Hannity’s words do ring true.
You see, Niger and I have something in common apart from both working with TheTeaParty.net. We are both conservatives who happen to be black. He and I proudly stand for freedom in this fight for the future of our republic; in this fight for a constitutionally limited government; in this fight to stop the race baiting, name calling and misrepresentation of this great Tea Party Movement with a demand that we get to the heart of the issue…..that government is out of control and must be reined in. But, we cannot do it without your help. Will you help us win this fight?
I encourage you to share this email and video with all of your family and friends as it is a powerful testimony to the answers that conservatism can give vs. the out of control, emotion based, ineffectiveness that liberalism wants them to buy into. Help us expose them HERE."
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