"The Dan River Basin Association and other regional organizations are as dangerous to private property and local representative government as The Crooked Road National Heritage designation!
Please take a look at the regional organizations in your area of the state. Look at their Goals and Strategies. They could not be any clearer in their intent to target our rivers, natural resources, and water rights through acquisition of more and more private property for public use. But it's much more than that. They are gaining Regional control by erasing our borders, and circumventing our local representative governments. "Planning District Commissions are Regional governments with no accountability and Regionalism is Socialism." We can not continue to let them outwit and manipulate our local elected officials, who are our last line of defense for private property rights and local representative government in America. See the link below to Download Resolutions to Protect Property Rights in your county.
Important message from Roger Hayden, Patrick County Board of Supervisors, Dan River District:
Special interest non profit groups in Patrick County
Patrick County Recreation Plan developed by DRBA/DRVHI; Non Profit Group know as, (DRBA) Dan River Basin Association, http://www.danriver.org/ also known as (DRVHI) Dan River Valley Heritage Initiative, http://www.danriver.org/DRVHI) had several public meetings around the County to present their Patrick County Recreation Plan. I along with several land owners attended one such meeting and asked pointed questions. Remark was made that the turn out to this meeting was well above the previous meeting, as the others had very limited attendance by the public.
The Dan River Basin Association Recreation Plan and Crooked Road National Heritage Area plans should have been brought to the Board of Supervisors at conception. Even after the plan was finished, it was not presented to the board. I asked why and a member of DRBA stated they were going to discuss the plans with individual Supervisors. Sounds like back door politics! And we should not have to rely on news media for information concerning our county.
The Recreation plan includes varieties and miles of different types of Trails, River access and other Recreation areas. West Piedmont study states that Patrick County has more land for Public Recreation than any other County in the District! Why the need to lose more Private Property from the tax base for Public use? Majority of Patrick Citizens I have talked with think Trails are unnecessary and will cost tax payer money, along with possible infringement of Property/Water Rights. Also, elements of this plan have the potential to mandate Patrick County initiate zoning.
From the information received from the presentation and after much research, it is our belief, Patrick County Recreation Plan may infringe upon Property Owners Land /Water rights, and force more liability on the tax payer. Therefore, I will not support it.
From the Dan River Basin Association website:
The Dan River Basin Association works to: preserve the river corridor with a series of municipal, county, and state parks and trails; increase public access to rivers; build constituency for the rivers and outdoor recreation through monthly outings; protect water quality by instituting stream monitoring across the Basin; promote regional nature and heritage tourism; and bridge boundaries to create a bi-state borderland community. Their vision: "of a bi-state community with a regional identity, where people enjoy easy access to healthy rivers, parks, trails and heritage attractions" through their acquisition of more and more private land for public use http://www.danriver.org/about-drba
From Karen Bracken, National Agenda 21 Coalition: Through Regionalism, California is starting to merge counties and it's coming to a county near you very soon. When planners / consultants tell you this WON'T HAPPEN HERE, they are either lying or they are clueless. Either way it is not acceptable. Planning District Commissions are Regional governments with no accountability and Regionalism is Socialism. Obama's group "BUILDING ONE AMERICA" - the name is telling you the end game. ONE America. No cities or counties. No local government. The voice of the people is GONE. I highly recommend buying a copy of a book by Stanley Kurtz "Spreading The Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities" This book explains Obama's plans for American suburbs / rural land. This is required reading for all county supervisors.
Read more from DEFEND RURAL AMERICA www.defendruralamerica.com on the associated proposal to merge several counties in CA that already have Regionalized. And I am sure these people were told they would never usurp their local government or erase county lines.
Read more from Democrats against Agenda 21 here:
Below are links to The Dan River Basin Association partners
Conservation Organizations & Coalitions http://www.danriver.org/drba-partners
We are losing our private property to these organizations that promote the United Nations Agenda 21 Wildlands Project. See The Dan River Basin Association's most recent posted Report for 2010 here: 2010 Annual Activities Report
From the The Dan River Basin Association website they were....Formed to "preserve" and promote the "natural and cultural resources" of our "region" DRBA works for "sustain-able economic growth" and improved quality of life as this rural area transitions to a "new economy." ( United Nations Agenda 21 ) The Dan River Basin Association was organized in 2002 to "preserve" and promote the "wilderness-like rivers" of this "border region" of Piedmont North Carolina and Virginia. The unspoiled rivers, the region's unique and greatest resource, will be at the center as the sixteen counties of the Basin build a diverse economy, which must be based in part on "new ideas." ( United Nations Agenda 21 ) The Dan River Basin Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in North Carolina and Virginia, with basin-wide membership and directors representing both states, and offices and professional staff in Collinsville, Virginia and Eden, North Carolina. http://www.danriver.org/our-history
The Delphi Technique is being used extensively by these ( NGO's ) nongovernmental organizations to advance their plans. This technique was used by the Crooked Road to build a consensus to usurp local governments and ignore private property rights to turn over 19 counties in SWVA to their organization as "managing entity" under the control of the U.S. Parks Service and the Dept. of Interior. Its not hard to recognize the manipulation, if you know what to look for.
Please read: Using the Delphi Technique to Achieve Consensus
How it is leading us away from representative government to an illusion of citizen participation
In group settings, the Delphi Technique is an unethical method of achieving consensus on controversial topics. It requires well-trained professionals, known as "facilitators" or "change agents," who deliberately escalate tension among group members, pitting one faction against another to make a preordained viewpoint appear "sensible," while making opposing views appear ridiculous. http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/1998/nov98/focus.html
Identify the Delphi Technique in The Dan River Valley Heritage Initiative (DRVHI) http://www.danriver.org/drvhi
The purpose of the DRVHI is to collaborate with appropriate partners ( they find community leaders, organizations, legislators who will go along with their plans and believe their promises ) to market the region to tourists, new businesses and relocating families to enhance economic development in the region.- ( Identify their target areas for land acquisition ) Determine how to best document and assemble information regarding natural, cultural, scenic, historic, and recreational resources. Identify the features that define the Dan River Valley as a region. Consider how to brand the region and assess image. Develop web resources to assemble information and provide Internet portal for the Dan River Valley.
- Identify and assemble DRVHI steering committee and smaller working groups. Achieve consensus on vision, mission and strategy. ( Without public knowledge ) Address committee composition, geographic representation (counties, cities, towns), areas of interest (trails, rivers, music heritage, historic preservation, adaptive reuse, etc.) and expertise (city planning, heritage areas, marketing/branding, tourism, economic development, information technology, preservation, etc.).
- Acquire support, both monetary and non-monetary.
Proposed Goals ( The same process was used by The Crooked Road )
- Ask Localities to Adopt a Resolution in Support of DRVHI
- Meet with Elected and Appointed Officials
- Continue to Hold Larger Public or "Steering Committee" Meetings ( rarely made known to the public )
- Create Web Tool for Cultural and Heritage Resource Inventory or Data Base
- Establish DRVHI Presence
DRVHI Presentation
The Harvest Foundation was established in 2002 from the sale of Memorial Hospital to Promote River Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development. State Recognition: Memorandum of Understanding with VA Dept of Environmental Quality to partner on protecting Dan River watershed, signed in October, 2007.

Grants Awarded to DanRiver Basin Association by the Harvest Foundation:
Map of Watershed
The Dan River crosses the North Carolina-Virginia state line eight times on its way from the Blue Ridge Mountains to John H. Kerr Reservoir. The 3300-square-mile Dan River Basin comprises approximately one-third of the Roanoke River Basin. Major tributaries of the Dan River are the Mayo, Smith, Sandy, Banister, and Hyco rivers.
The Dan River Basin includes all or most of eight counties: Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, and Halifax in Virginia, and Stokes, Rockingham, Caswell and Person in North Carolina. Smaller portions of eight more counties lie in the Dan River Basin: Floyd, Franklin, and Mecklenburg in Virginia, and Surry, Forsyth, Guilford, Orange, and Granville in North Carolina.
Today, there are battles waging in every single state and almost every city and rural community. Local and county governments, city council members and county commissioners are taking steps to introduce legislation to stop Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development policies. And the planners, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and self proclaimed “stakeholders” are pulling out all the big guns to defeat us and keep their strangle hold over our communities and private property. - Tom DeWeese, President American Policy Center http://americanpolicy.org/
Please read "Recognizing Agenda 21 in Your Community" for Public Officials Click here: http://sustainablefreedomlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/How-Public-Officials-can-Recognize-Agenda-21.pdf
Resolutions to Protect Property Rights
From American Policy Center by Tom DeWeeseClick here to download
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson Virginia Tea Party Patriots www.virginiateapartypatriots.com Danville Patriots http://danvillepatriots.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyqTlje8RxQ "
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