Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do Certain Jobs Attract Psychopaths?

"Should we be worried?" Madeleine Morgenstern asks, identifying "media" (specifically, I suspect, the publicists and advertisers more than the writers) on a list of "Jobs Most Likely to Attract Psychopaths."

Actually, the study didn't show that these jobs are most likely to be done by psychopaths--so you can (probably) trust your doctor! These jobs are most likely to attract psychopaths, and to be done by people who share certain temperament traits with psychopaths.

Specifically, the jobs attract extroverts...and extroverts, by definition, have a lot in common with psychopaths. See Susan Cain's new book Quiet for a fuller explication of recent attempts to define extroversion in terms of positive traits, rather than mere failure to develop the neurological structures that "hard-wire" introverts. Yes, extroverts can be described as having positive traits, but unfortunately their characteristics of "superficial charm, persuasiveness, and egocentricity" are not necessarily more desirable than the negative trait of "lack of empathy."

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